APTF VIZAG: Learn A Word A Day Date : 18.08.2023 words list for level 1 2 3 4

Learn A Word A Day Date : 18.08.2023 words list for level 1 2 3 4

లెర్న్ ఏ వర్డ్ ఎ డే లో లెవెల్ 1,2,3,4 వారికి ఈ రోజు Date : 18.08.2023 నేర్పించాల్సిన పదాలు

 Level : 1 Classes : 1, 2

Pouch (చిన్న సించి, పర్స్)

Spelling : P – O – U – C – H

Meaning : a small container for holding

Phonetic Script : / paʊtʃ /

Other forms : Pouch, pouches (Noun)

Usage :

1. She put the money in a pouch.

2. Kangaroos have pouches to carry their babies.

3. He carries his money in a small leather pouch.

Level : 02 Classes : 3,4,5

 Hen - Coop (కోడిగూడు )

oSpelling : H E N C O O P

Meaning : a cage or pen in which hens are kept.

.Phonetic Script : / ˈhenkuːp /

Other forms : Hen – Coop (Noun) 

Usage : 

1. There were only 3 chickens in the hen coop.

2. Have you ever looked into the hen coop after the fox visited ?

3. The hen coop needs to be cleaned.

 Level : 3 Classes : 6,7,8

Get-in (ప్ర వేశించు)

Spelling : G – E – T I – N 

Meaning : to come or go into ; 

Phonetic Script : /ˈɡet ɪn/

Other forms : Get in – Got in – Got in (Verb)

Usage : 

1. Please, get in.

2. Nothing will get in my way.

3. Take your shoes off and get in.

 Level : 4 Classes : 9, 10 

Destruction (విధ్వంసం)

Spelling :D – E – S – T - R – U – C – T – I – O - N I-N 

Meaning : the action of destroying something

Phonetic Script : / dɪˈstrʌkʃ(ə)n /

Other forms : Destruction (Noun)

 Destruct - Destructed - Destructed (Noun) 

Usage : 

1. Pride goes before destruction.

2. War results in massive destruction.

3. Destruction of the environment is one of the most serious problems.

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