లెర్న్ ఏ వర్డ్ ఎ డే లో లెవెల్ 1,2,3,4 వారికి ఈ రోజు Date : 21.07.2023 నేర్పించాల్సిన పదాలు
Level : 1 Classes : 1, 2
Oral Test :Spell Bee
Level : 2 Classes : 3,4,5
Oral Test :Spell Bee
Level : 3 Classes : 6,7,8
(వాలుగా, ఏటవాలుగా, ఒక కోణంలో ప్రక్కకు వాలిపోవు)
Spelling : S L A N T
Meaning : slope or lean in a particular direction;
diverge or cause to diverge from the vertical or horizontal.
Phonetic Script : / slɑːnt /
Other forms : Slant (Noun) ; Slant – Slanted – Slanted (Verb)
Synonyms : Slope; tilt; lean, incline
Usage : 1. The building had a slant below the roofline.
2. The graph shows a slant below the x axis..
3. The temperature began to slant down as the sun set.
4. The old house slants towards the street.
Level : 4 Classes : 9, 10
(విశేషాధికారం, ప్రత్యేక హక్కు, ప్రత్యేక సౌకర్యము)
Spelling : P R I V I L E G E
Meaning : an advantage that only one person or group of people has .
Phonetic Script : / ˈprɪvɪlɪdʒ /
Other forms : Privilege, priivileges (Noun) ; Privilege – Privileged - Privilged (Verb) ;
Synonyms : Honour, freedom, license, advantage
Usage : 1. It would be a privilege to talk about him.
2. Education is a right not a privilege.
3. He was born into a family of great privilege.
4. You cannot buy up the privilege of being a role model.
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