లెర్న్ ఏ వర్డ్ ఎ డే లో లెవెల్ 1,2,3,4 వారికి ఈ రోజు Date : 20.07.2023 నేర్పించాల్సిన పదాలు
Level : 1 Classes : 1, 2
Window (కిటికీ)
Spelling : W I N D O W
Meaning : an opening in a wall that you can see through
Phonetic Script : / ˈwɪndəʊ /
Other forms : Window, Windows (Noun)
Usage :
1. He opened the window.
2. I looked out of the window.
3. Raju stood at the window.
4. A bird sat in the window
Level : 2 Classes : 3,4,5
Difficult (కష్టం)
Spelling : D I F F I C U L T
Meaning : not easy ; hard to control
Phonetic Script : / ˈdɪfɪk(ə)lt /
Other forms : Difficult – more difficult – most difficult (Adj) ; Difficulty (Noun)
Synonyms : Hard, tough, challenging
Usage : 1. It is very difficult to read.
2. Mathematics is more difficult than Hindi.
3. Its difficult to learn driving.
4. He solved the difficult problem.
Level : 3 Classes : 6,7,8
Authority (అధికారం, అధికారి)
Spelling : A U T H O R I T Y
Meaning : the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.
Phonetic Script : / ɔːˈθɒrɪtɪ /
Other forms : Authority, authorities (Noun) ; Authoritative (Adj) ; Authoritatively (Adv)
Authorize – Authorized – Authorized (Verb)
Synonyms : Power, command, sovereignty
Usage : 1. He spoke with great authority.
2. The police has the authority to arrest.
3. We should never question the authority.
4. God is the ultimate authority.
Level : 4 Classes : 9, 10
Desire (కోరిక, కోరుకొను)
Spelling : D E S I R E
Meaning : a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something
to happen.
Phonetic Script : / dɪˈzaɪə /
Other forms : Desire (Noun) ; Desire – Desired - Desired (Verb) ;
Synonyms : Want, crave, longing, need
Usage : 1. I have a strong desire to learn new things.
2. She has a desire to travel round the world.
3. Everybody desires happiness.
4. He has no desire for money.
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