APTF VIZAG: Learn a Word a Day Date : 06.07.2023 words list for level 1 2 3 4

Learn a Word a Day Date : 06.07.2023 words list for level 1 2 3 4


Level : 1 Classes : 1, 2 

Hen (కోడిపెట్ట)

Spelling : H E N

Meaning : a female bird, especially of a domestic fowl.

Phonetic Script : / hen /

Other forms : Hen, Hens (Noun)

Usage :

1. A hen lays eggs.

2. A hen cares its chicks.

3. The hen eats grains.

4. One chick keeps a hen busy.

Level : 2 Classes : 3,4,5 

Idea (ఆలోచన, ఉద్దేశం)

Spelling : I D E A 

Meaning : a suggestion or plan for doing something

Phonetic Script : / aɪˈdɪə /

Other forms : Idea, Ideas (Noun) ; 

Synonyms : Thought, plan, 


Usage : 1. Can you give me a rough idea ?

2. Do you have any idea about it ?

3. I have no idea of what to do.

4. It was not a good idea.

Level : 3 Classes : 6,7,8 

Essential (అవసరమైన)

Spelling : E S S E N T I A L

Meaning : anything indispensable ; absolutely necessary

Phonetic Script : / ɪˈsenʃ(ə)l / 

Other forms : Essential (Adj) ; Essentially (Adv) ; Essential, Essentiality (Noun)

Synonyms : Necessary, important, crucial 


Usage : 1. A good diet is essential for everyone.

2. Computers are essential tools in software companies.

3. She packed a few essentials for her journey.

4. A car is not an essential but it is a luxury.

Level : 4 Classes : 9, 10 

Determination (సంకలపం, నిశచయం, నిర్దరణ)

Spelling : D E T E R M I N A T I O N

Meaning : the act of making up your mind about something

Phonetic Script : / dɪ

tɜːmɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n /

Other forms : Determination (Noun) ; Determine - Determined – Determined (Verb) ; 

Synonyms : Resolve, decision, ascertain, 

Usage : 1. Determination is the first element of success.

2. I appreciate your determination.

3. The battle was won by sheer determination.

4. Hard work can strengthen your determination.

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