APTF VIZAG: Learn a Word a Day Date : 05.07.2023 words list for level 1 2 3 4

Learn a Word a Day Date : 05.07.2023 words list for level 1 2 3 4

లెర్న్ ఏ వర్డ్ ఎ డే లో లెవెల్ 1,2,3,4 వారికి ఈ రోజు Date : 05.07.2023 నేర్పించాల్సిన పదాలు

Level : 1 Classes : 1, 2 

Sun (సూర్యుడు)

Spelling : S U N

Meaning : the star that provides light and heat for the earth

Phonetic Script : / sʌn /

Other forms : Sun (Noun)

Usage :

1. The sun is bright today.

2. The sun rises in the east.

3. The sun is very hot in summer.

4. We sat in the sun eating ice creams.

Level : 2 Classes : 3,4,5 

Reward (బహుమతి, ప్రతిఫలము)

Spelling : R E W A R D

Meaning : give something to (someone) in recognition of their services, efforts, or 


Phonetic Script : / rɪˈwɔːd /

Other forms : Reward, Rewards (Noun) ; Reward – Rewarded – Rewarded (Verb)

Synonyms : Prize, Gift


Usage : 1. He deserves a reward for his risk.

2. Let’s split the reward fifty-fifty .

3. You will be rewarded handsomely.

4. Patience has its own reward.

Level : 3 Classes : 6,7,8 

Perpendicular (లంబంగా, లంబకోణం)

Spelling : P E R P E N D I C U L A R

Meaning : at an angle of 90° to a given line, plane, or surface or to the ground; a straight 

line at an angle of 90° to a given line, plane, or surface.

Phonetic Script : / ˌpɜːp(ə)nˈdɪkjʊlə/ 

Other forms : Perpendicular(Adj) ; Perpendicular, Perpendicularity (Noun)

Synonyms : at right angles, vertical, 


Usage : 1. Draw a perpendicular line to the base.

2. A square has four sides that are perpendicular.

3. She lives on the street that is perpendicular to mine.

4. Are the lines perpendicular to each other?

Level : 4 Classes : 9, 10

Scare (భయ పెట్టు, భీతి గొలపు)

Spelling : S C A R E 

Meaning : cause great fear or nervousness in; frighten suddenly ; 

Phonetic Script : / skeə /

Other forms : Scare – Scared – Scared (Verb) ; Scare (Noun) ; Scary (Adj)

Synonyms : frighten, shock, panic, jolt

Usage : 1. You gave me a scare.

2. He is scared to cross the road.

3. I am really scared about speaking in front of the class.

4. We must not scare birds.

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