లెర్న్ ఏ వర్డ్ ఎ డే లో లెవెల్ 1,2,3,4 వారికి ఈ రోజు Date : 27.06.2023 నేర్పించాల్సిన పదాలు
Level : 1 Classes : 1, 2
Play (ఆట/ ఆడుకొను)
Spelling : P L A Y
Meaning : To do things for pleasur ; engage in an activity for recreation.
Phonetic Script : / pleɪ /
Other forms : Play, Played, Playing (Verb) Player, play (Noun)
Usage :
1. She plays with a toy.
2. He loves to play caroms.
3. You can play in the ground.
4. Play the audio.
Level : 2 Classes : 3,4,5
Spelling : N E C T A R
Meaning : A sweet liquid that some flowers make and some insects / birds drink
Phonetic Script : /ˈnektə(r) /
Other forms : Nectar (Noun)
Usage : 1. Bees collect nectar and make honey.
2. Butterflies drink nectar from flowers.
3. Some birds live mainly on nectar.
4. Your words are nectar to me.
Level : 3 Classes : 6,7,8
Organism (జీవి / ప్రా ణి)
Spelling : O R G A N I S M
Meaning : a living thing that has an organized structure,
Phonetic Script : / ˈɔː(r)ɡəˌnɪz(ə)m/
Other forms : Organism, Organisms (Noun)
Synonyms : creature, being, thing, body
Usage : 1. The fish is an organism that should remain in water.
2. In the food chain of life, each organism is linked with another organism.
3. People are merely biological organisms just like any other life form.
4. The bat is a nocturnal organism that sleeps during the daylight hours.
Level : 4 Classes : 9, 10
Troops (దళాలు)
Spelling : T R O O P S
Meaning : Soldiers especially in large numbers
Phonetic Script : / truːps /
Other forms : Troop, Troops (Noun) ;
Synonyms : army, military, soldiers,
Usage : 1. The President ordered to withdraw the troops.
2. The troops marched to the sound of the military music.
3. Our troops are now on the attack.
4. Enemy troops occupied the country.
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