APTF VIZAG: APRJC CET - 2023 A.P. Residential Junior Colleges Common Entrance Test-2023 APRJC CET - 2023 .APRDC CET - 2023 A.P Residential Degree College Common Entrance Test – 2023

APRJC CET - 2023 A.P. Residential Junior Colleges Common Entrance Test-2023 APRJC CET - 2023 .APRDC CET - 2023 A.P Residential Degree College Common Entrance Test – 2023

ఆంధ్ర ప్రదేశ్ గురుకుల విద్యాలయాల సంస్థ APRES గుంటూరు APRJC APRDC -

ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ గురుకుల విద్యాలయాల సంస్థచే నిర్వహించబడుచున్న గురుకుల పాఠశాలలు, జూనియర్ కళాశాలలు మరియు డిగ్రీ కళాశాలలో 2021-24 విద్యా సంవత్సరానికి ఇంటర్మీడియట్ మొదటి సంవత్సరం ,డిగ్రీ మొదటి సంవత్సరం ప్రవేశానికై ఆసక్తిగల అభ్యర్థులు దరఖాస్తులను తేది 04.04.2023 నుండి 24.042023 వరకు ఆన్ లైన్ లో సమర్పించాలి.

(1)5వ తరగతి (2) 67.8 తరగతులలో మిగిలినవున్న ఖాళీలు (3) ఇంటర్మీడియట్ మొదటి సంవత్సరం (4) డిగ్రీ మొదటి సంవత్సరం. పై అన్ని తరగతులలో ప్రవేశము కొరకు ది. 2005, 2021 వ. ప్రవేశ పరీక్ష నిర్వహించబడును. పూర్తి వివరములు .





Click Here To Download aprjc notification

Click Here To Download aprdc notification 

Salient features of APR Junior Colleges:

a)The APR Institutions are under the purview of School Education Department, 

Government of Andhra Pradesh.

b) The APR Junior Colleges are providing education in Residential Mode only.

c)Individual attention is being paid on each student.

d) The APR Junior Colleges are provided with good infrastructure facilities in 

addition to well-equipped Laboratories, Libraries, Reading Rooms and Play 

Grounds with well-equipped Physical Education Department.

e) Apart from the academic activities, importance is given to sports and

games and other co-curricular activities for the all-round development of


f)Loco-Parent system is implemented by appointing one Lecturer as LocoParent to a group of 15 to 20 students for taking personal care of each


g) Long term coaching is being provided to students for exams like 

IIT/NEET/CA-CPT. Digital Classes will also be provided whenever 


h) Day starts with the physical exercises and Classes commence at 8.00 AM

and academic & co-curricular activities continue till 10.00 PM in the night.

i)Special care is taken for talented and low achievers.

For Admissions into 1st Year Degree 

Courses in A.P. Residential Degree 


, Nagarjunasagar

Salient features of APR Degree College (Boys only)

a)The APR Institutions are under the purview of School Education Department, 

Government of Andhra Pradesh.

b) The APR Degree College, Nagarjunasagar, is affiliated to Acharya Nagarjuna 

University, A.P. and providing quality education in Residential Mode only.

The APR Degree College has been awarded with B+ score by NAAC.

c)Individual attention is being paid on each student.

d) The APR Degree College has good infrastructure facilities in addition to wellequipped Laboratories, Library, Reading Rooms and Playground with wellequipped Physical Education Department.

e) Apart from the academic activities, importance is given to sports and games

and other co-curricular activities for the all-round development of the 


f)Loco-Parent system is implemented by appointing one Lecturer as loco -

parent to a group of 15 to 20 students for taking personal care of each student.

g) Digital Classes will also be provided whenever necessary.

h) Day starts with the physical exercises and Classes commence at 8.00 AM and 

academic and co-curricular activities continue till 10.00 PM in the night.

i)Special care is taken for talented and low achievers.

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