లెర్న్ ఏ వర్డ్ ఎ డే కార్యక్రమం లో లెవెల్ 1,2,3,4 వారికి ఈ రోజు నేర్పించాల్సిన పదాల లిస్ట్
Level 1
Row (పడవ నడపటం)
Spelling : R O W
Meaning : to move a boat by means of oars.
Phonetic Script : / rəʊ /
Other forms : Row – Rowed – Rowed – Rowing (Verb)
Usage :
1. He rowed a boat.
2. They row a boat on the river.
3. The fishermen rowed their boats.
4. Do you know rowing a boat ?
5. Where do you row your boat upto ?
Level : 2 Classes : 3,4,5
Spelling : S U C C E S S
Meaning : achievement of something you planned to do.
Phonetic Script : / səkˈses /
Other forms : Success(Noun) Successful (Adj) Successfully (Adv)
Succeed – Succeeded – Succeeded (Verb)
Usage :
1. A good attempt is half success.
2. He had success through hard work.
3. I wish good luck for your success.
4. Really it was a great success.
5. What is the secret of your success ?
Level : 3 Classes : 6,7,8
Referee (మధ్యవర్ిత, ఆట నియమాలను అమలు పర్తచేవయక్ి)త
Spelling : R E F E R E E
Meaning : a person to whom something is referred for decision
Phonetic Script : / refəˈriː /
Other forms : Referee, Referees (Noun) Referee – Refereed – Refereed (Verb)
Usage :
1. The referee blew his whistle to start the game.
2. The referee signaled it for a foul.
3. The referee gave a final warning to the player.
4. The referee made the right decision.
5. The referee must be fair both the sides.
Level : 4 Classes : 9, 10
Tournament (ఆటల పో టీ)
Spelling : T O U R N M E N T
Meaning : in a sport or game a series of contests between a number of competitors,
competing for an overall prize.
Phonetic Script : / ˈtʊə(r)nəmənt /
Other forms : Tournament (Singular Noun) Tournaments (Plural Noun)
Usage :
1. All the best for your tournament.
2. I believe strongly that he can win the tournment.
3. He is watching tennis tournament.
4. He scored two goals in the tournament.
5. He looks forward for the tournament.
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