APTF VIZAG: Rc.No.28022/1/2022 PLG-CSE 21/05/2022 School Education - Sustainable Development Goals- APSIRDPR-Capacity Building Trainings to the ofcers and teachers from the Districts and below level- Schedule for Orientation-Orders

Rc.No.28022/1/2022 PLG-CSE 21/05/2022 School Education - Sustainable Development Goals- APSIRDPR-Capacity Building Trainings to the ofcers and teachers from the Districts and below level- Schedule for Orientation-Orders

కెపాసిటీ బిల్డింగ్ పై శిక్షణలో భాగంగా అందరు అధికారులకు, ఉపాధ్యాయులకు ఓరిఎంటేషన్ ప్రోగ్రామ్ మే 30 నుండి ప్రారంభం. జిల్లాల వారీగా షెడ్యూల్ ccordingly a detailed schedule is annexed along with the links for live streaming of the said orientation. After the said orientation another link will be forwarded to all the participants for assessment/ feedback/ registration the details are hereunder:

a. All the participants as per the list mentioned hereunder must attend 

the said schedule of orientation for one hour using the link which will

be shared one day before. (11.00 am to 12.00 Noon).

b. The second link will be enabled from 12.30 to 1.00 pm i.e., after the 

live streaming of the orientation session.

Through the second link all participants need to complete 

registration, online assessment for 100 marks carrying 20 questions 

(Each question carries 5 marks) and also feedback.

d. During the Assessment, if any one scores less than 50% need to 

repeat the assessment until he/she scores 50% marks.

e. In case if the participants want to listen the said orientation session 

again they can visit APSIRD ofcial youtube channel.

f. Directions may be issued to all the Head Master/Teachers informing

the scheduled date and instruction to download the “Microsoft

teams” app in their mobile phone/tab/laptop/desktop. The link which

will be shared one day before will open through “Microsoft Teams”

App only. Chat box is also available during the live streaming for

doubt clarifcations if any. The list of participants is enclosed.

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